2. Weltcup at 17.11. - 19.11.2006 in Berlin

Here you will see the selected event categorized by distances and days. This was done for a better navigation. Just select a distance from a day and you will be forwarded to the corresponding gallery page.

Der Wettkampftag war sehr lange heute, weshalb es hier und heute nur sehr wenige Bilder gibt. In Kürze wird das aber nachgeholt. Spätestens anfang der kommenden Woche. Bis dahin werde ich immer wieder welche neu einstellen, nur leider gibt es in der Halle kein WLAN und somit verzögert sich das etwas....

I started to insert some pictures of the German athletes. The pictures from all the international competitors will become available very soon (at least on monday). So please stay tuned and visit again...

[DATE]20.11.2006[/DATE] - all pictures from the first competition day are now online. The rest of the images will follow tomorrow.

[DATE]21.11.2006[/DATE] - some distances from the 2. day are still missing and will come up tomorrow morning (ca. 8:00 a.m.). The images from the 3. day will follow tomorrow, too.

[DATE]22.11.2006[/DATE] - The images from the 2. day are now online.

[DATE]23.11.2006[/DATE] - The last images went online. I will edit some data and names during the next days. But in principle - that's all. I hope you like it.

Participating athletes with pictures at this event